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Move-In: Everything You Want to Know!

Making Northwest Your Home

Northwest Missouri State University offers several living options to suit the needs of a diverse and active student body. In our residential communities, you can take full advantage of all that Northwest offers. You'll be close to your classes, the library, the Station and the Student Union. Not only is living on campus convenient, it also gives you the opportunity to become involved in organizations, clubs, sports, and activities - a major part of college life. In our residential communities, you'll feel right at home from the beginning!

About Our Staff

Residential & Auxiliary Services staff members are not "your parents away from home," but they are familiar faces - friendly, helpful, and approachable. Our staff is a mix of professionals and undergraduate students who can help you make the transition from home to university living and provide you with personal, social, and academic referrals.

Each floor has a Resident/Student Assistant (RA/SA) who will acquaint you with community and university policies, as well as serve as a resource person. BRIDGEs (Building Relationships and Integrating Diverse Growth Experiences) serve to promote a strong community among the diverse kinds of students who live in the hall. Hall Directors, Complex Directors, and Area Coordinators are full-time live-in professionals who supervise an entire community. Our Residential & Auxiliary Services team hosts educational programs each semester and keeps you informed of issues and policies. Building community is what we're all about... come and be a part of our team!

Residence Hall Q&A

What are the room assignment procedures?

Students pick their own room using an online process that allows them to see floor plans and select a specific space to live. Information about this process is emailed to the student in the weeks before the selection process begins.

The housing system can be access through the Northwest Housing Portal.

How are roommates assigned?

Residential & Auxiliary Services will make every attempt to honor mutual requests for specific individuals when possible. For this to happen, one student must invite the other student to be their roommate in their housing application. The other student must accept the first student's invitation before a room is selected. 

Because incoming fall students are permitted to pick their own room online, they largely determine their own roommates. Our online process allows students without roommates to look at the lifestyle preferences of a student already assigned to a room to determine if that person might be a good fit. If so, they can select that space. 

For students who don't pick their own room, Residential & Auxiliary Services will do assignments on their behalf by mid-July. Because lifestyle preferences are self-reported in your housing application, we cannot guarantee that the assigned roommate will be compatible. Accuracy is extremely important. Incomplete roommate requests (invitation made and invitation accepted) can affect your roommate selection, resulting in students who mutually requested each other being assigned to different floors or halls.

Just a reminder: Roommate requests based on race, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or major will not be considered. In the absence of a specific roommate request, the Residential & Auxiliary Services staff will assign roommates without regard to their race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

When will I know my room assignment and roommate?

When students select their room online, notification is immediate. The online system will generate an email to all roommates upon completion of the process. For students who are assigned rooms, you will receive an email from our department once the process is complete. You will then be able to log into the housing system to view your assignment and roommate information. New students entering into housing for the spring semester may not learn who their roommates are until they check into their rooms.

Why didn't I get my room choices?

If you didn't receive a hall of your choice, it may be because those halls were already filled with applications received before yours. Once assigned, students will be able to log into the housing system and use the room change feature to see if a better assignment has opened up and change their assignment.

Room change week is the second week of classes. Students should then work through their Resident Assistant and Hall Director to express their interest in moving to a different room/location.

Can I have a room of my own?

We offer a limited number of private rooms for freshmen in Dieterich and Millikan Halls. You will be able to select one of these rooms when you complete the room selection process. To secure the private room, the student must opt to buyout the second bed in the room. The buyout fee is $825/semester.

Upperclass students have the option to buyout the second bed in all residence halls except Forest Village Apartments and 2nd & 3rd floors in South Complex. The buyout fee is $825/semester.

Can I move in early?

Students will need to follow the move-in schedule that is sent out by Admissions for Advantage week. If special circumstances exist, you must apply through a link in the housing system. If approved, arrangements will be made to allow for an early move-in of belongings only.

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